Daily devotional for October 8th from Wisdom4Today

But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. Romans 8:11

Many people are familiar with the idea of going to heaven when you die. But, not nearly as many people are familiar the idea of their own resurrection. For this reason, many people think that when they die, if they go to heaven, they will be there forever. The Bible teaches that Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried. Three days later, the Holy Spirit raised His mortal body from the dead and He walked amongst the living (1 Corinthians 15:1-7). After His resurrection, the body that Jesus had looked the same, but it was not normal flesh and blood, it was glorified body. His body had the ability to do supernatural things, yet He was also able to be touched by others as well as sit down and eat a meal with His disciples (John 20:24-31).

The Bible teaches us that as believers, the moment we die, our soul and spirit are separated from our mortal bodies and we are immediately in the presence of the Lord in heaven (2 Corinthians 5:1-8). Meanwhile our mortal bodies remain behind and decay away to nothing with time. But, at some point in time already determined by God, the Holy Spirit will also raise our bodies from the dead. When this happens, like Jesus, we will be reunited with our now glorified bodies to spend the rest of eternity with Him (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). As believers, we can be confident that, like Jesus, we will one day have the ability to be perfect, not only as living people, but also in our immortal living bodies (Ephesians 4:11-13; Colossians 1:28; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 1 Peter 5:10).


  • Dr. Michael L. Williams, Head of Ministry Operations and Technology at Christianity Every Day, is a Christ-centered Author, Educator, Biblical Counselor and Advisor. He is ordained in Pastoral Ministry and formerly the founding Pastor of Selah Mountain Ministries, a church started along with his wife, Pamela Rose, after several years of pastoral experience and training in Biblical Counseling. Selah Mountain provided Biblical counseling and education to the public on how to overcome life issues Biblically on topics such as anger management, marriage, addictions, and other subjects - often referred to as mental illnesses. To learn more about Dr. Mike visit the About page.

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