Ellie Claire Art Journals Review

By Pamela Rose Williams

It is not “Every Day” that I am offered such a delightful product review. Such is the case when I signed up to do a review on the beautiful Ellie Claire Art Journals. In this post I will share my thoughts and recommendations for all three journals: Faith & Lettering Journal, The Illustrated Word: An Illuminated Bible Coloring Journal, and Illuminate Your Story Journal.

Faith & Lettering Journal

This book is designed as a place for you to practice many different styles of hand-lettering as you also use the pages for journaling and even jotting down sermon notes. Graphic designer Krystal Whitten has provided a great introduction to hand-lettering as well as some notes on “How to Use this Book”. In it she shares her expertise and “pro tips” for how to draw san serif, serif, script, swashes, flourishes, banners, doodles and more. Here are some highlights of my review of the Faith & Lettering Journal:

Features & Overall “Feel” of the Journal

– The hardcover is bright and very pleasing to the eyes. The lettering and doodles on the cover make you want to open it to see more.

– The couple grommets and elastic band on the spine are a nice and clever embellishment

– The pages are thick and lay relatively flat, allowing for unobstructed lettering, drawing and journaling

– The bright colors on the pages make you want to be creative yourself as you pick up your colored pencils or even markers

– There are gobs and gobs of teaching helps and hints and plenty of opportunities to trace, freehand it and then practice again. The publisher has also included lots of information on the Amazon purchasing link below.

– The use of Scripture throughout the journal is perfect and writing Scripture, even with fancy letters, is a proven way to hide God’s Words in your heart.

Recommended Audience for the Faith & Lettering Journal

I believe that the Faith & Lettering Journal would be a great addition for anyone who enjoys art and the Bible. Most especially, I see this as a journal that would be desirable for ladies – teens to adult. It would be great to incorporate as a text book for an art class or even as the source for a regular “girl’s night” get together. I imagine you can set up some tables in a cozy area and just enjoy each other’s company as you hand-letter your way through the Scriptures. It could be the tool that springboards you into your own creative self that you didn’t even know existed!

Purchase your own Faith & Lettering Journal at my Amazon affiliate at the end of this post.

The Illustrated Word: An Illuminated Bible Coloring Journal

I have always loved to color. As a child my sisters and I spent many, many hours with coloring books, crayons and colorful markers. Even as an adult, I love to color. The Illustrated Word: An Illuminated Bible Coloring Journal promises plenty of coloring opportunities. The book has journaling pages that display artwork in the corners but also offers full pages of uncolored pictures on which you can make it your own. Many of the uncolored pictures include Scripture, like the one I am working on below.

Features & Overall “Feel” of the Journal

– The hardcover is sturdy and very shiny. I wish the colors were different — perhaps a brighter blue would have been more pleasing to my eyes

– The use of famous art work paired with an original blank coloring page that mimics the art is brilliant

– I like the thickness of the pages, but wish the binding was different. Maybe for this one a spiral binding would work better to allow for a completely flat coloring surface. I do understand that the hardcover is much prettier than any spiral bound book.

– I like the abundance of journaling lined pages

– The use of Scripture is a nice touch, but perhaps more should be included since the title of the book leads me to believe it is centered around God’s Word

Recommended Audience for The Illustrated Word

This is a good book for both male and female. The coloring pages in the book are mostly very intricate, so it might be best for adult use, though there are some pages that could be shared with older children. I think this would be a good text book for an intermediate art class or as an enrichment text in the home school.

Purchase your own The Illustrated Word: An Illuminated Bible Coloring Journal at my Amazon affiliate link at the end of this post.

Illuminate Your Story Journal

This is not just a great journal for your everyday notes, it is a great history book, as it tells the “story” of the illuminated manuscripts from the Middle Ages. You can learn about the six periods in history that used illuminated letters and even see and draw some examples of them. With many pages for journaling you will also have time and space to draw, add detail, add flowers and flourishes, brighten and color and then create your own letters, from A to Z.  In my review, I noticed the following:

Features & Overall “Feel” of the Journal

– The size of the journal is somewhat compact and easy to hold and carry.

– The light ivory color of the journal is pleasing to my eyes and the added color of the title and spine are splendid

– The couple grommets and elastic band on the spine are a nice and very pretty embellishment

– I like the ribbon book marker, the elastic closure band and the “Keepsakes” pocket in the back of the book

– The use of quotes and prayers from famous people are inspiring

– Instructions for drawing the letters is clear and concise

Recommended Audience for Illuminate Your Story Journal

I see this as a journal that could be used by all, though the exterior color might mostly draw a female audience. It will be useful for daily journaling and Bible study. This would be a great “add on” history text for a creative writing class. I can also see this as a great book in which to record your blessings. Consider documenting one or more blessing for each letter of the alphabet. What better way to grow closer to Christ than to count your blessings!

Purchase your own Illuminate Your Story Journal at my Amazon affiliate link below:

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“Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”):  Many thanks to Ellie Claire and Worthy Publishing Group for the opportunity to review these art journals. I did receive a sample of the products in exchange for this review and post though the contents of this review are my real and true opinions. (click on link to read CED full Disclosure & Privacy Policy). This post contains affiliate links.

Pamela Rose Williams, Founder of Christianity Every Day, is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She and her husband, Dr. Michael L. Williams have served in Christian ministry since 2001. She has Master of Ministry in Biblical Counseling and Bachelor’s in Christian Education degrees. Most of her time is spent as a professional editor and writer, working with many Christian authors and artists. She also uses her extensive experience in information technology providing Christ-centered teaching tools and resources for people all over the world. To learn more about Pamela visit her About page.

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