Christianity Every Day offers editing services for Christian and family friendly publications, including web pages. We offer three levels of editing, and all editing is done electronically. That means you write it and then send us your formatted Microsoft Word document and we will do a very basic grammar and spelling correction all the way up to a comprehensive edit. The choice is yours. Choose the plan that fits your need and let us know when we can get started. If you do not have an electronic copy of your manuscript, we can help with that too. See “Manuscript Typing” below.
We will provide you with a free quote for your editing project and may require that you pay 100% of the fees in advance. To let us know how we can help, fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page. Sales tax will be added to all quotes and prices are quoted and accepted in USD only.
Level 1 – Basic Grammar & Spelling Fix ($0.045 per word)
This will help to prepare an already well-structured manuscript or other document for publication. This is a basic proofread and will immediately correct grammar and spelling errors. Level 1 does not include rewrites or restructuring for manuscripts. We consider this a first round edit for manuscripts or other documents. This service is complete once the grammar & spelling fixes are made to a copy of the manuscript or other document and returned to the author.
Level 2 – Quick Proof & Edit – ($0.065 per word)
This is a manuscript or other document for feedback with a proofread/copy-edit/line edit which includes grammar and spelling fixes as well as improved word choice and rewrite/restructure if necessary. Grammar and spelling corrections are made immediately however this is a more comprehensive edit than Level 1 as it includes the rewrite/restructure options. All notes for improvements will be highlighted as suggestions, leaving the original manuscript or other document intact until the author reviews for choice to rewrite or leave “as is”. This service is complete once the suggestions are returned to the author. The author is then free to incorporate or ignore suggestions at will.
Level 3 – Manuscript – Comprehensive Edit ($0.080 per word)
Specifically for manuscripts only or for feedback with a proofread/copy-edit/line edit which includes grammar and spelling fixes as well as improved word choice and rewrite/restructure if necessary. In addition, Level 3 includes a final proofread after the author reviews and chooses how to proceed with suggestions from the editor. Essentially there are two rounds to this level of editing (1) Immediate grammar & spelling fixes that are completed by the editor at the editor’s discretion as well as incorporation of rewrites and restructures as agreed upon by editor and author, and (2) The editor’s final proofread. This service is complete once the edited manuscript has been returned to the author. The author is then free to send the manuscript to a printer at will.
Picture Book
This category of editing is for a book that includes many photos. This might be an expanded photo album with captions, a coffee table book, a children’s picture book or the like. The fee includes not only a proofread/copy-edit/line edit including grammar and spelling fixes as well as improved word choice and rewrite/restructure, if necessary, but it also includes photo editing and rendering/manipulation as needed. A flat fee of $18.00 per page will be charged with a requirement for a $250.00 deposit to start the project.
Comprehensive Edit Other Documents ($0.080 per word)
This is a comprehensive edit of a document for any kind of project or publication (excluding a full manuscript for a book and web content pages/posts). Consider this service for things like white papers, reports, school assignments, biographies, etc. This is for feedback with a proofread/copy-edit/line edit which includes grammar and spelling fixes as well as improved word choice and rewrite/restructure if necessary. All notes for improvements will be highlighted as suggestions, leaving the original content intact until the author reviews for choice to rewrite or leave “as is”. This service is complete once the suggestions are returned to the author. The author is then free to incorporate or ignore suggestions at will.
Back Cover Blurb
Christianity Every Day is available to craft a “blurb” for the back cover of your book. This is a short approximately 150-200 word summary of your book that is designed to draw the potential purchaser in to read your book. This blurb can also be used on purchasing websites to advertise your book. The cost for the original and cleverly crafted blurb is a flat fee of $50 when included with another editing package or $125 as a separate service since a full read of your book is required to craft the blurb.
Book Proposal Synopsis (Long)
Christianity Every Day is available to write your long book synopsis that you will use when you are submitting your book to publishers and/or marketing services. This is a three- or four-page snapshot of your book, and it basically tells your story beginning to end without all the fluff. We will be sure to write it in a standard format that is most acceptable in the marketplace. The fee for the long synopsis writing service is calculated in relation to the length of the manuscript as follows:
- For manuscripts up to 100,000 words in length the fee is $150,
- For 100,000 to 150,000 words $170 and
- For 150,000 to 200,000 words $200.
Manuscript Typing
If you have a typewritten or handwritten manuscript that you need converted to an edit ready Microsoft Word file, we can do that for you. Pricing for typing and conversion as well as terms of service are as follows:
Manuscript typing terms of service:
- Only legible text from the source document is typed. If you believe it is readable (legible) but we have a hard time reading it you will be charged the “Illegible” rate.
- The text will only be typed in Times New Roman 11-point font, letter size paper (8 1/2 x 11 inches) with 1 inch all around margin – single spaced .5-inch indented paragraphs with 1 line break in between paragraphs
- Accuracy level will be maintained at around 98%
- Turnaround time is 1-3 weeks depending upon our workload and the size and condition of the manuscript. We will let you know when you should expect to receive your electronic Microsoft Word copy of your typed manuscript as part of our quote to you. If you need it faster than that we will charge an “express charge” for a 5-day turnaround. If we take longer than we promised we ask for your grace and we will not provide a discount for unexpected delay.
- Manuscript typing includes one electronic Microsoft Word file. If you need a hard copy or a copy on a portable thumb drive (flash drive), you may select that option for an additional fee.
- Services are 100% payable in advance. Costs for hard copies or flash drive copies of completed manuscript are payable and due when you order them to be shipped to you if not included in your initial quote.
- Caution: Please send us a copy of your manuscript as we will not send that source document back to you. Keep your original.
Manuscript typing pricing:
Handwritten legible manuscript $0.60 / page
Handwritten illegible manuscript $0.70 / page
Printed copy (previously typed hard copy) $0.40 / page
PDF copy converted to Word $0.40 / page
Formatting into APA Style/ publication ready $30.00 (flat fee per manuscript)
Express Charge for 5-day turnaround $50.00 (flat rate per manuscript up to 250 typed pages)
Hard copy of completed manuscript mailed $0.02 / page plus $5.00 shipping
Thumb drive of completed manuscript mailed $20.00 (flat fee includes shipping)
Interested in having us help you with your editing? Please complete the form below and we will respond within 5 business days.
Image rendered courtesy of nalinratphi at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
page content updated 2024