I read Amy’s book In Pursuit of Proverbs 31, Kindle version and I am so honored to have the opportunity to present my review of it here.

About the Author
The following bio was provided by Amy herself, she says:
I’m an indie author, web publisher, blogging, digital publishing, and social media consultant, and I am a small business owner but my favorite job is being a wife to Ryan and mama to my four, rowdy boys!
Most of all, I’m just me. I make mistakes (quite often). I don’t always get it right. Hopefully I learn my lesson the first time. If not, I have an awesome savior who doesn’t give up on me.
Oh you want the official bio? Here goes…
Amy Bayliss, then Amy Grant, began blogging in 2005. Since that time she has trail blazed through the blog scene co-founding and propelling online retreats like Homemaker’s Challenge, and her personal website: Cajun Joie de Vivre. She also brought to the table an innovative way for bloggers and their readers to connect by establishing online conferences and workshops through A Woman Inspired, HOTM Conferences, and DIY Ministry. She has been featured Woman’s Day Magazine, Inside Out Programming, and was the feature story and cover girl for CWO Magazine in August of 2008.
Currently, she is a regular columnist or contributing writer to the following publications: Sisters in Bloom, RooMag by Candace Cameron Bure,The Better Mom, and A Martha Heart.
Amy is the author of Pursuit of Proverbs 31 and Do It Yourself Online Ministry. She is now wife to Ryan and mom to four rambunctious boys that range in age from 18 months to 15 years. They reside in Cajun Country where they worship and serve under Healing Place Church.
Amy also shares the following social media contacts:
- Pursuit of Proverbs 31 on Facebook
- Amy Bayliss on Twitter
Book Review
Let me be honest and up front with you, I chose to review this book because it deals with Proverbs 31. So the title drew me to it. As it turned out I could not have chosen a better book to review right now in this season of my life. It is clear to me that Amy is daily in the Word as evidenced in this very different, very refreshing and totally different kind of Proverbs 31 overview. She draws you into her world and by the time you are finished reading it you will wonder where she finds the time to do all that she does — well actually I wondered that when I read her bio!
As I mentioned at the top of this post I read In Pursuit of Proverbs 31 in the Kindle format. I must admit that there were times that I desired to have a hard copy, but Kindle provides some good highlighting and note taking tools so I was able to “mark up” my copy. I was really quite astounded when I finished and looked back over the book at how few white spaces were left because I had so many favorite parts.
There were a few things that I disagreed with in the book but truly I think I am a bit more conservative than Amy so I shall not mention them here. The fact of the matter is that the good far outweighed the bad for me. I was impressed with Amy’s boldness as she does well to dispel some myths. I especially love how she shares her intimate relationship with Heavenly Father throughout the pages.
Favorite Parts
- My favorite excerpt was found at L430 “When I wake up in the morning, before I even brush my teeth, I say good morning to Him. When I see a beautiful landscape while driving, I make sure I praise Him for it. When I need to make a decision I ask Him to help me. When I realize I need money for a bill, I ask Him to supply it and then thank Him for it. When it dawns on me that I messed up, I immediately ask for His forgiveness. I ask Him to keep me away from tempting situations, to grant us safe trips, to keep Satan and his cohorts away, and when I am studying His word I ask him to explain to me what I don’t yet understand.” This, ladies and gentlemen, is some of the evidence I was talking about earlier. Amy is not religious; she is in a relationship with God.
- Amy did an excellent job in her explanation of the word “submission”. You can read about it beginning at L675
- Beginning at L709 I absolutely love everything in “3. Be so faithful to your husband that it is reflected in your speech.” Amy nailed it! We should never backbite our husband. Sometimes I am appalled at what some women will say about the man in their life that is second only to God.
- A family mission statement and goal setting — what a fabulous idea. Read about it beginning at L1031
- My very favorite chapter in the book is Pocket Full of Resources. If you buy this book for no other reason, get it for this chapter!
- Formatting is very clever and conducive as a companion to Bible study
Not So Favorite Parts
Not much to “unlike” about the book but just for the record:
- Sometimes I forgot the subject of the book (Proverbs 31) — maybe that is a good thing?
- The book ended a little abruptly for me
Overall Recommendation
In Pursuit of Proverbs 31 is a book that I would recommend for young and older women. It is also one that will work well as a personal devotion or even as a group study book for ladies. Be prepared to read your Bible along with the book because Amy will prompt you when it’s time for that. This is a very refreshing look at Proverbs 31 and you will enjoy the time you spend with it and the time you spend getting to know this lovely woman of God.
Purchasing Links
In Pursuit of Proverbs 31 is available on Amazon.com. You can order it by clicking on my affiliate link to the right.
ASIN: B00797MO2E | List Price: $4.99 | Format: Digital (PDF, Kindle, or Nook) | Page Count: 145

Pamela Rose Williams, Founder of Christianity Every Day, is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She and her husband, Dr. Michael L. Williams have served in Christian ministry since 2001. She has Master of Ministry in Biblical Counseling and Bachelor’s in Christian Education degrees. Most of her time is spent as a professional editor and writer, working with many Christian authors and artists. She also uses her extensive experience in information technology providing Christ-centered teaching tools and resources for people all over the world. To learn more about Pamela visit her About page.