KJV Bible Verse Reference Guide Volume 1: Bible Verses Arranged by Topic – Paperback & Kindle

A handy reference guide of KJV Bible references that includes hundreds and hundreds of Bible verses. Popular topics such as: creation, faith, life, marriage, peace, praise, salvation, truth and many, many more are included. It is a great tool for personal and family study as well as ministry reference. This is a must have for every Christian that seeks to cultivate their relationship with Jesus Christ.


By Pamela Rose Williams

The beloved King James Version of the Bible has been around for more than 400 years. The KJV Bible Verse Reference Guide Volume 1: Bible Verses Arranged by Topic is the perfect companion to this bestselling translation of the Bible to add to your library. Pamela Rose Williams has been collecting KJV Bible verses for many years and now you can own her handy reference guide that includes hundreds and hundreds of Bible verses. Popular topics such as: creation, faith, life, marriage, peace, praise, salvation, truth and many, many more are included. The guide is arranged into the major categories of Character, General Topics, Life Challenges and Physical/Spiritual. It is a great tool for personal and family study as well as ministry reference. This is a must have for every Christian that seeks to cultivate their relationship with Jesus Christ. 6 x 9 paperback. 296 pages.

Available in paperback and Kindle version.