By Jo Wilmer
The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. ~ Numbers 6:25-26
Ah Florida! A place of sunshine, outdoor adventure, tropical flora and miles of beaches to walk on. You might picture me as tall, tan and slim, but you are oh so wrong. Work keeps me indoors most of the day, and I need to make time to sit in the sunshine to absorb that valuable vitamin D. The sun draws the tourists (or snowbirds), enables the fuchsia bougainvillea to blossom, and you can count on sunshine mostly every day. So confident that the sun would peek through any scattered clouds, the St. Petersburg Times would give you a free newspaper if the sun did not shine any day. Cloudy and rainy day’s in Florida are not a desirable thing. But eventually they do come.
Have you ever had to board a flight on a cloudy miserable day? You look out the window at the dreary sky as the plane lifts off. Climbing higher and higher, the plane soars above the clouds and suddenly the sunshine appears! You are out of the dreariness and in the sunshine. Our lives are similar to that experience. Sooner or later we will have to travel though the miserable cloudy times. But if we are confident of what awaits us, we can smile knowing what lies ahead. Yes, I can soar through the clouds because I know the Son LIGHT is up ahead.
Jesus is that “LIGHT”
“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” ~ John 8:12
Our lives need the “light” that is emitted by the SON. As the SON shines on us, we are bathed in love, mercy and His grace. As we draw close to Him and meditate on His Word we grow in our faith, trust and strength. As a plant is nourished by the sun, its roots sink deep. So it is with us when we meditate on His Word. Physical exercise keeps us in shape physically, but the SON’s light strengthens us spiritually.  Are you basking in His SON shine and absorbing all you can?  I pray you will take time to get the right exposure to the SON now, so when the clouds hover over your life, you will be able to stand strong in the storm.
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. ~ John 16:33
About this Guest Author
Jo Wilmer and her husband Bill have been married for over 30 years. Together they have taught under Child Evangelism Fellowship and neighborhood Bible studies.
In 2004, JoAnn began writing “We Travel Together,” a book aimed at encouraging and strengthening other women who were trying to live a godly life while facing all this world had to throw at them. A few months later, she and her husband were involved in a head on collision which turned their world upside down. Health issues, financial issues and emotional pressures all seemed to be hurled at them. After four and a half years of pain and pleading prayer, her prayers were answered and relief from pain was almost total. Finally, in 2012 she finished the book which she felt led to write. Now more than ever, she desires to reach the lost and hurting women who are searching for relief. Relief found only through Jesus Christ.
In 2005, she created her website, “M” Words, an outreach to those hurting women. Her passion is to draw sister’s in Christ closer, to make them more aware of the hurting women around them and of those who still need to be rescued by the saving grace of Christ.