By Pamela Rose Williams
I recently learned of a new book “Sparks Ignite” that was written by a young lady that I met many years ago when she was just a girl. Even at an early age, this horse-loving girl had a vivid imagination and loved to write it down. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that she would publish at least one book. I read her book and I am honored to present my review of Hannah’s book “Sparks Ignite”.
About the Author
Hannah Beth grew up in rural southwest MN with two brothers. Surrounded by farm animals, pets and wide-open spaces she developed a love for both the written word and horses. Hannah was 16 when she wrote her first full manuscript. Fueled by her mom’s encouragement she kept writing as a hobby.
Growing up in churches that supported missions and watching her mom live her faith kindled a passion for souls in Hannah’s heart. Hannah went to the Chicago area for her first year of Bible college, on a working scholarship. It was there she learned of camp ministries and soon after she started on a journey of horse camps; using horses to share the gospel.
Hannah enjoyed writing, so she continued, sharing her work only with friends. She met her future husband, Joseph, in Kansas while finishing her Associate degree in Farm and Ranch Management. Joseph encouraged her to publish her work. Amidst various personal delays, Hannah’s debut novel slowly took shape.
Today Hannah, Joseph and their daughter live in Southern Kansas serving in the youth ministry at their home church of Udall Countryview Baptist Church.
Book Review
I was so pleasantly surprised when I received “Sparks Ignite”. The book is substantial with its 405 pages. Hannah employs great use of literary devices such as allusion, foreshadowing, imagery and even point-of-view to help the reader really understand the characters and situations in the book. This is not light reading, even so, the story flows and you will find it hard to put down. It is filled with emotion, unexpected elements and unbelievable events. True to time in the “real world”, Hannah includes things that help you to understand the gravity of what happens when strangers meet, learn to live in foreign cultures and bring it all together to glorify God.
I see this as a story of a girl with immensely strong will, an inquiring mind, great bravery and incredible faith at such an early age. It is not only the story of one young girl, but of her entire family and nation. It is a story of a jealous leader determined to destroy a people regardless of the consequence. You will see God’s amazing grace through it all. Finally, it is a story of lives that seem to be unrelated and of God’s providence in sewing together His grand plan. There are no coincidences, only God incidences.
Recommended Audience: “Sparks Ignite” will be appropriate reading for young adults to adults of any age. It could even be a good book to read to a class of elementary students with the caution that there are some true to life events that should be reviewed by the reader (teacher) before presenting it.
Favorite Parts and Quotes
- Great use of The Prologue to reel you into the fictional story of Safira Banks. Though the characters and locations are fictional, this story tells of real-life persecution that is endured by Christians throughout the world.
- I love how the gospel of Jesus Christ is intertwined throughout the book. And especially that the first mention of Jesus and His sacrifice for us was mentioned as early as page 35!
- I liked how Safira was introduced to American culture, like when she was taken shopping for her new American clothing and “her hair was dried with the use of a handheld machine that blew hot air.” (pg. 92)
- I liked how the story and the characters made me examine my own faith. Could I do what they did?
- Hannah did well to make the characters believable and to span the globe to show the wondrous works of God.
I messaged one of my dear friends who also knew Hannah Beth as a young girl to see what she thought of Hannah’s book. She shared:
“I just finished this book. Wow. It has twists and turns that will leave you wondering about everything…except how to be saved. It will challenge you in your own walk with the Lord and reminds you to always keep in pray those who sacrifice so much in the mission fields. Loved it. I actually gasped out loud at one part and cried at a few others. Hannah Beth, your mama would be so proud.”
Not So Favorite Parts
- As I was reading the book I had times when I wanted to go back to be sure that I had the characters, timelines or other information straight. I wish there was a Table of Contents, that might have made my backwards journey a little easier.
- I was left wondering if the story is really finished. Perhaps a sequel sometime soon?
Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Hannah Beth for providing the prize for the giveaway contest. Choice of winner is automatically calculated by a contest and sweepstakes application and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. In the event of a tie, the winner will be selected by the author. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post however the opinions expressed herein and real and true and completely my own. This post includes affiliate purchasing links.

Pamela Rose Williams, Founder of Christianity Every Day, is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She and her husband, Dr. Michael L. Williams have served in Christian ministry since 2001. She has Master of Ministry in Biblical Counseling and Bachelor’s in Christian Education degrees. Most of her time is spent as a professional editor and writer, working with many Christian authors and artists. She also uses her extensive experience in information technology providing Christ-centered teaching tools and resources for people all over the world. To learn more about Pamela visit her About page.