He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart. He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour. (Psalm 15:2-3)
Is there such a thing as a perfect person? Well, I think the Psalmist pretty much describes that person in these two little verses from Psalm 15. Since there are so many old English words in this particular Psalm I thought it would be interesting to summarize it in a language that is a little easier to understand today. So here is what I believe the verses are saying:
- He that walketh uprightly can mean that he is walking with his back straight up and down, however in this case a better definition is “He that is strictly honest and honorable”.
- He that worketh righteousness is one who is morally right, upstanding and virtuous
- He that speaketh the truth — this one is easy, he does not tell lies
- He that backbiteth not with his tongue. Today we would say he does not talk maliciously about someone when that someone is not present. He does not slander or defame another person’s character.
- Nor doeth evil to his neighbour — another easy one, he is kind and seeks to do only good
- Nor taketh up reproach against his neighbour – to take up “reproach” against someone means to point out the failings of someone so everyone else see it.
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Let’s face it, there is no such thing as a perfect person. So aren’t you glad that we have a Perfect God who sent His Perfect Son so that we can trust Him for the perfection that He desires? God calls us just as we are so that He can change us into the image of His Perfect Son. How do we make that change? It is with the power of the Holy Spirit that lives inside of every believer. He gives us the power to make good choices such as speaking truth, behaving in an honorable fashion, being kind to our neighbors and refraining from using speech and words that point out the worst in people.
Here is a great song by Natalie Grant called “Perfect People”. He knows where you have been and you never have to be there again! Click on the play button in the video below and Sing Along
Do you know my Savior? He changed my life and He can change yours too. Read all about it here: Every Day Savior.
Photo credit: Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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