Since my children grew up in the woods of Florida, they were always taught that where there was water, there most surely will be alligators. Never were they to go near any body of water. In 1986, BJ was four years old and was allowed to play in the yard close by the house. As soon as I was out of sight, he ran to the lake which was not far off. Drawn by the ducks sitting on their nests, he spotted one baby duck wandering alone. He quickly scooped it up in his hands and ran back home. And as every little boy listens so well, he presented himself at the front door saying with excitement, “Look mommy, I found one that was lost. Can I keep it?”
When I saw that baby duck, I was furious!
Not because he took the duck or disobeyed me, but because I knew the danger he placed himself in by going too close to the lake. I had warned him over and over. What if an alligator was in the high grass waiting for an opportunity to grab one of those ducks. What if, what if, what if!
A couple years later, BJ and Sara demonstrated to me what they had learned in school that day. “Look mommy, this is how you run away from an alligator!” They then proceeded to run across the front yard in a zig-zag pattern.
“Mommy, you have to run ziggy-zag … ’cause the alligator can’t run that way too fast and you can get away.” Yes, we can teach our children about the dangers that lurk around every corner but will they heed our warning? As parents we pray without ceasing and pray for protection.
But we too, as adults, can learn from ducks and alligators. Imagine we are the ducks and the alligator represents the evil that is in this world. Darkness and perversion lurk around our home and workplace. It comes through our TV, radio and computer. The devil would like nothing more than to grab hold of us and drag us into a world of depression and anxiety. In these financially hard times, so many of us are trying to hold it all together, just barely.
Yes, we fear that alligator knocking on the door of our homes trying to place fear and frustration in our hearts. This is all the more reason for people of faith to stay connected. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we need to be able to share strength and encouragement so we can endure the road of life. The rough road of life will never be an easy one, but oh how much smoother the bumps in the road can be when we can comfort one another and look to His Word for strength. Galations 6:2 reminds us:
“Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
I pray that as you visit the Christianity Every Day site, you will be encouraged and strengthened to face each day with assurance and peace. We are brothers and sisters for an eternity and our bond begins here and now. Have a blessed day!
Zig-zag Photo credit: photobucket/manicmaxwell
About this Guest Author:
Jo Wilmer and her husband Bill have been married for over 30 years. Together they have taught under Child Evangelism Fellowship and neighborhood Bible studies.
In 2004, JoAnn began writing “We Travel Together,” a book aimed at encouraging and strengthening other women who were trying to live a godly life while facing all this world had to throw at them. A few months later, she and her husband were involved in a head on collision which turned their world upside down. Health issues, financial issues and emotional pressures all seemed to be hurled at them. After four and a half years of pain and pleading prayer, her prayers were answered and relief from pain was almost total. Finally, in 2012 she finished the book which she felt led to write. Now more than ever, she desires to reach the lost and hurting women who are searching for relief. Relief found only through Jesus Christ.
In 2005, she created her website, “M” Words, an outreach to those hurting women. Her passion is to draw sister’s in Christ closer, to make them more aware of the hurting women around them and of those who still need to be rescued by the saving grace of Christ. You might also enjoy JoAnn’s ebook “We Travel Together”, you can order it at