Trials – Why are we so shocked and depressed when they come?

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Jesus clearly has told us, “In this world you shall — not may — have trials.” But yet, this womanly flesh suffers. As godly and faithful as we desire to be, it seems our physical strength has its limits. But we are not alone. Please find comfort in that many of the most faithful women that have walked this earth, have experienced drawing close to the same edge of the cliff that you may be facing now.

When I was a new woman of faith, I drew a lot of strength from the woman at the well. This woman who had married over and over, and was living with a man, now faces Jesus. There was another nameless woman, the bleeding woman, who also played a role in my life. Suffering for so many years, with her womanly issue of blood gave me comfort when I too faced pre-menopausal symptoms. This brave woman declares in front of all within hearing distance “why” she reached out to Him. Then there is the adulterous woman, who is left standing alone before Jesus. He tells her, “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.” (John 8:11) The stories of these nameless women have purposely been placed in His Word to strengthen us! How good the Lord is to give us such examples to be strengthened by.

I love the Gospel of Mark. It is an emotional gospel, written for the persecuted Christians. Mark leaves no doubt as to who Jesus was, and shows His humanity. He is the carpenter’s son, he is moved with compassion, and emotion’s are clearly shown. Mark stresses the many things that Jesus went about doing. Christ is going about showing His power over sickness, disease, evil and death. But along with all the many workings of the Lord, one sentence impacts me the most. It is this:

“And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray.” (Mark 6:46)

Jesus is clearly showing us what we too must do. We must get alone with God, and not just pray, but form that bond with God that draws us into a strong relationship with Him. One that draws us to dependence and trust. Have you ever cried out to God and questioned,Why aren’t You listening?” His answer may be one of … “I am, it just is not time yet to act.”

Nothing happens to us that He does not allow. If He allows it, I must accept it and draw close to Him. Through almost 5 years of pain, I prayed:

“Lord, I am trusting You to do for me what I cannot do for myself. I ask for wisdom. I ask for discernment. I ask for physical strength. I ask especially for spiritual strength. But most of all I ask to be able to help lead others to come to know You. I know in your timing you will work within me to be the woman You desire me to be. In this, I find comfort and peace.”

“In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God; he heard my voice..” Psalm 18:6

May you too find comfort and peace knowing that He does know your heart and your pain.  He knows the end from the beginning.

About this Guest Author:

Jo Wilmer and her husband Bill have been married for over 30 years. Together they have taught under Child Evangelism Fellowship and neighborhood Bible studies.

In 2004, JoAnn began writing “We Travel Together,” a book aimed at encouraging and strengthening other women who were trying to live a godly life while facing all this world had to throw at them. A few months later, she and her husband were involved in a head on collision which turned their world upside down. Health issues, financial issues and emotional pressures all seemed to be hurled at them. After four and a half years of pain and pleading prayer, her prayers were answered and relief from pain was almost total. Finally, in 2012 she finished the book which she felt led to write. Now more than ever, she desires to reach the lost and hurting women who are searching for relief. Relief found only through Jesus Christ.

In 2005, she created her website, “M” Words, an outreach to those hurting women. Her passion is to draw sister’s in Christ closer, to make them more aware of the hurting women around them and of those who still need to be rescued by the saving grace of Christ. You might also enjoy JoAnn’s ebook “We Travel Together”, you can order it at

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