A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. ~Proverbs 17:22

  • 4:30am– Feed Tenley…who normally doesn’t eat until 6:00am, but was convinced she’d starve otherwise. (read a little bit about Tenley’s name here: Tenley Rose)
  • 8:00am– “Good morning, Aiden”. “Hi, Momma. I pooped.”…and did he ever!
  • 8:05am– Clean out poopy pj’s in toilet and shower toddler while Tenley lay in her crib screaming that she’s hungry again.
  • 8:30am- Take both kids downstairs for breakfast. Plan to pour cereal into a bowl for Aiden to eat in the living room with me while I sit to feed Tenley, who is not normally awake to eat until 9:00am (when Aiden is done with breakfast).
  • 8:35am- Set bowl of Cheerios on ottoman for Aiden, turn towards couch to fix the pillows to sit and nurse Tenley, turn back around and knock toddler over (not realizing he was right under my feet), whereby spilling the cereal AND MILK everywhere!
  • 8:40am- Set Tenley down, invoking more screaming from this little wonder who is very convinced once again that she is starving. Clean up cereal. Dry up milk. Sprinkle some baking soda to soak up milk and stench that will be had by milk.
  • 9:00am- feed Tenley. Watch Aiden eat.
  • 9:01am- Think to myself out loud “Wow. GOOD MORNING!” Then Aiden repeats verbatim my comment.
  • 9:02am- All three of us laughing.

Other articles by Candi:

Seeing God in the Small Things

Cheesy Tuna Casserole

About this Guest Author:

Candi Allen is a fine Christian lady and a talented writer. She is married and has two children. She is active in ministry in her local church and in her spare time she works with her husband in his professional photography business, EA Studios Photography ( Candi is especially dear to the heart of Pamela Rose because she is Pamela’s daughter.

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